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Reliable breeders that ship/located near Greece

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:59 am
by Akan Rithe
Hey, I'm new to this forum, and looking to get a Blue Tongue. Do any of you lovely people know any breeders that could provide in Greece? I live in a small-medium city, and it is difficult to find somebody near me. I'm also worried to order from somewhere too far, as I want to minimize the poor guy's trip. For clarity's sake, I'm looking for the Northern type. Thanks!

Re: Reliable breeders that ship/located near Greece

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:02 pm
by kyerth
Breeders from UK might ship to Greece since it's still in the EU at the moment, I don't know about other countries though, it is complicated to ship live reptiles abroad, the EU having this unifying borders thing might ease these issues :(