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Bluey sandy looking

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 2:06 pm
by Sanyos
Hi guys!

My roommate went abroad for work for 3month a few weeks ago and left his bluey for me to take care. I feed it as he said. Every 3-4days rotating veggies, crickets, fruits, snails. And keep the water in the misting system fresh.

The guy or girl just turned dusty looking 2 days ago. Like he burrowed in sand or something like that. (thers no sand in the tank. Its bioactive coconutfiber based soil. On closer looking its like patches of skin starting to turn greyish all over his body.

Is it shedsing? Do they shed in patches and not like snakes?

Sorry for beeing dumb. Never had any reptiles :)

I can attach a photo tomorrow hes sleeping burrowed now.

Re: Bluey sandy looking

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 5:45 am
by splashy07
Sounds like he's going into shed. Lizards seldom shed in one piece, so there will be pieces of skin all over the place. Just make sure all is off his toes, that's usually the only problem area.