Stuck in drainpipe

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Stuck in drainpipe

Postby Andy_Wolff » Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:24 pm

Yesterday afternoon, we heard a commotion in the bushes outside the bathroom. Seconds later, two beautiful full grown Blue Tongues ran out. The one being chased ducked it’s head into a drainpipe just outside the laundry room while the other bit into it’s mid-section in an apparent attempt to keep it out of the pipe. After a few squirms and wiggles, the first lizard managed to get itself completely into the pipe - it was a desperate fit, but it worked as the second lizard eventually gave up its pursuit and wandered back to the bushes.

I assume this was either a territory dispute or a mating incident gone wrong. Whatever the reason, the first lizard is now stuck deep into the pipe for nearly 24 hours. It seems to have moved deeper into the pipe overnight but isn’t moving backwards to the end she entered.

The obvious question: where does the pipe go? The unfortunate answer is that I don’t know. We rent this home and the pipe runs under the laundry room and then makes are hard left turn about 2 meters under the house toward the street, which is where the lizard currently is.

It’s obviously a very tight squeeze for the lizard and I’m afraid she can’t back out and maybe can’t make the left turn to move forward.

Does anyone have any advice? We’re thinking the local snake catcher is worth a call.

Thanks for any help.
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Re: Stuck in drainpipe

Postby Janella » Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:53 pm

So where you able to free the skink? Did you call the snake guy?
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Re: Stuck in drainpipe

Postby screed » Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:45 pm

We had a healthy and mature (we think male) blue tongue living in the garden for several years. He mated with a visiting blue tongue in 2022 who hung around for a while. Then one morning I saw the male wedged in a burrow under the neighbours concrete driveway, looking unharmed, fat and healthy with only his back half sticking out. I left him there thinking all was well but later realized he was not moving and discovered he had died. My elderly and wise neighbour seemed to say that if they get themselves into a narrow burrow they sometimes cannot reverse out. I have just joined the forum and wondered if there are similar stories. Thanks for reading. We now have a young one beginning to put in a regular appearance. Pic attached .
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