Enclosure Pictures

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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby Lizardlover81 » Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:45 pm

Just finished the bottom half. The top houses my bearded dragon and the bottom my 5 month old Northern Skink. I still need to do some light and cord managment but otherwise I think it turned out as expected.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby Blake. » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:21 pm

This is my Irian Jaya or mearuke Dom’s new enclosure it is a 70 gallon, I moved him from a 40 gallon and he seems to enjoy the extra substrate this enclosure has, the big rock in the middle is where his car is kept.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby Huggle Bunny » Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:34 pm

It's a slow process, but I'm gradually building up an enclosure for my baby Bloo. Hopefully this weekend I can get it off the floor...
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby LeapingLizards » Sun Nov 28, 2021 10:53 pm

I just upgraded Audie's enclosure to a 4x2x2 PVC enclosure!

I think I need a little bit more foliage, but otherwise I'm super ecstatic!
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1 Northern BTS - Born 6/5/2021 - Audie - Confirmed Male
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby The_SoCo_Kidd » Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:29 am

Hey everyone! My name is Josh and I'm brand new to this species. I have owned corn snakes, ball pythons, and Russian tortoises but I just got my first BTS a few days ago and I'm extremely excited!

I have one small issue with my enclosure that I would love to hear any recommendations on how to correct! I am currently using an 80w combo Heat/UVB/light bulb for the warm/basking side of the tank. And a small 40w ceramic heating element for the cool side. Both heat sources are on a 12 hour timer cycle.

My problem originally was the basking area. I used my laser temp gun to check the substrate directly under the light and it was weak, only about 83-84 degrees on the surface substrate. To try and increase the warmth on that side I added a small 8"x6" undertank heating pad to try and create a "heating sandwich" and offer both overhead and belly heat for better overall thermo-regulation. However, I'm afraid my light itself is just too far away now. I have been able to increase that surface substrate to about 87-88 degrees with the heating pad added, and the top of her hide log on that side gets to ALMOST 90 degrees (being closer to the light, makes sense). But I'm seeing numbers online for BTS basking areas needing to be in the high 90s or even up to 105...soooo I'm concerned she won't be getting enough direct heat at only about 88 degrees at the hottest spot. Should I just cut my losses and buy a 100w bulb instead of the 80w I'm currently using? Is there a safe way for me to get my light closer? Maybe a type of rock that holds heat much better than others, that I'm unaware of, that I can place under the lamp? Any suggestions would be super appreciated! Thank you!
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby Fatal_S » Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:57 pm

Hi Kidd, welcome to the forum!

Which bulb specifically are you using for your hot spot? It sounds like you need one that is significantly more powerful to get a nice hot basking temperature.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby The_SoCo_Kidd » Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:10 pm

Fatal_S wrote:Hi Kidd, welcome to the forum!

Which bulb specifically are you using for your hot spot? It sounds like you need one that is significantly more powerful to get a nice hot basking temperature.

So this is the bulb I'm using currently with the Deep dome lamp of the same brand. The bulb wasn't cheap so i was hoping there was some way of getting it set up closer. She seems to like to burrow down on that side, assuming because of the heating pad. I figured if there was a way to move the lamp closer it could fix my issue without needing to buy a whole new bulb. The problem is the height of my tank, just the light itself being a little too far away when resting the lamp on top of the lid. Also the lid I have for my tank folds hot dog style and I'm thinking that metal strip down the middle is blocking a lot of the heat too.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby duffman » Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:27 pm

The_SoCo_Kidd wrote:
Fatal_S wrote:Hi Kidd, welcome to the forum!

Which bulb specifically are you using for your hot spot? It sounds like you need one that is significantly more powerful to get a nice hot basking temperature.

So this is the bulb I'm using currently with the Deep dome lamp of the same brand. The bulb wasn't cheap so i was hoping there was some way of getting it set up closer. She seems to like to burrow down on that side, assuming because of the heating pad. I figured if there was a way to move the lamp closer it could fix my issue without needing to buy a whole new bulb. The problem is the height of my tank, just the light itself being a little too far away when resting the lamp on top of the lid. Also the lid I have for my tank folds hot dog style and I'm thinking that metal strip down the middle is blocking a lot of the heat too.

I first used a mercury vapour bulb in my tank similar to you and found I had to have the light very low to get enough heat so you could try hanging your light inside your enclosure instead of on top. Blue tongues can’t climb like snakes so should be ok or you can get mesh cages so they can’t get to the hot globe. I got sick of paying so much for globes that just seem to blow or have to be replaced every year.

Alternatively what I did was went to my local hardware store and bought regular spot globes which mimic the sun better and are hotter per wattage and just include a compact UVB globe in a second fitting near my heat light. Is way cheaper and in my opinion gives better light which my bluey seems to thrive with. As the heat lights are so cheap I have a few in different wattages which I switch out and raise or lower depending on the season to give a consistent heat gradient/spot.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby The_SoCo_Kidd » Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:46 am

duffman wrote:
The_SoCo_Kidd wrote:
So this is the bulb I'm using currently with the Deep dome lamp of the same brand. The bulb wasn't cheap so i was hoping there was some way of getting it set up closer. She seems to like to burrow down on that side, assuming because of the heating pad. I figured if there was a way to move the lamp closer it could fix my issue without needing to buy a whole new bulb. The problem is the height of my tank, just the light itself being a little too far away when resting the lamp on top of the lid. Also the lid I have for my tank folds hot dog style and I'm thinking that metal strip down the middle is blocking a lot of the heat too.

I first used a mercury vapour bulb in my tank similar to you and found I had to have the light very low to get enough heat so you could try hanging your light inside your enclosure instead of on top. Blue tongues can’t climb like snakes so should be ok or you can get mesh cages so they can’t get to the hot globe. I got sick of paying so much for globes that just seem to blow or have to be replaced every year.

Alternatively what I did was went to my local hardware store and bought regular spot globes which mimic the sun better and are hotter per wattage and just include a compact UVB globe in a second fitting near my heat light. Is way cheaper and in my opinion gives better light which my bluey seems to thrive with. As the heat lights are so cheap I have a few in different wattages which I switch out and raise or lower depending on the season to give a consistent heat gradient/spot.

Duffman, thanks for the response! I was thinking the same thing about hanging it inside my tank and didn't realize they made mesh covers for the lamp itself, that would make me feel much better even knowing she can't climb up to it or anything, just for my peace of mind covering it would make me feel better lol. I had seen some enclosure setups that utilize 1 bulb for heat and light and then have a separate fitting for just like a 5.0 or 10.0 UVB bulb. I like that idea, I would just have to change up my timer plugs a little bit, I have the basic ZooMed two plug timer, so if I can get an adapter I shouldn't have an issue hooking up both to the day-side timer. As far as buying the globes from the hardware store, could you tell me a little more about that? What exactly do you get? Just a light bulb itself? I know hardware stores typically sell the shallower construction style lamp shade that can clip onto stuff, but are saying you can get the actual heating bulbs there? What brand and/or wattage would you recommend? if I'm understanding you correctly.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby duffman » Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:47 pm

Hey mate, I just use normal spot globes with the same thread as the light you have and a seperate uvb 5.0. I’m in Australia so brands might be different however I’ll post a picture of my setup to show you what I am using. My uvb bulb is a standard reptile globe I don’t have the box and I replace them every six months of use. I also have a normal 2 foot batten style light just for light it not really required.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby The_SoCo_Kidd » Sun Jun 19, 2022 7:15 am

Ohh okay thank you so much! That helps a lot seeing the setup you've got! And yea I'm in Ohio and we definitely have Philips brand here! I didn't even think to use something like that as opposed to buying specific "heat bulbs" most likely overpriced at the pet shops lol. Genius! I like how you were able to hang the bulbs too. I might have to look into a way to do that with my setup. I can easily get a 5.0 uvb to add as well. About how hot does that basking area get then for your tank? I'm aiming for like 95-100 and debating moving her big flat rock under the lamp as well! I also read on an old forum elsewhere that as a temporary measure I can put foil on my lid and cut out around where the light is to help keep the heat inside. So until I can figure out a way to hang the lamps I might try that. Her substrate in the basking area gets up to about 90 right now, and I do have a small 8x6" under tank heating pad in that corner like I said, but I just don't think that's sufficient for a bluey of her size! I'm afraid it's going to take forever for her to warm up to desired temp if people are seriously using up to 105 degrees for their skinks basking spot. But thank you again! Oh! And thats a very pretty guy/girl you've got their too!
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby Fatal_S » Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:00 pm

I just went down and took temperature readings of my basking tiles in my 4' and 3' PVC enclosures. At these temperatures the skinks have a good thermal gradient, they bask in the morning or when digesting, and they like the warm hide under the tile to snooze under. I personally find 100 a bit low, I prefer at least 110. They are hardy though and do well with a large range.
220619 Temp Reading BTS 4'.jpg

220619 Temp Reading BTS 3'.jpg
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby elpantalla » Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:38 pm

The_SoCo_Kidd wrote:Hey everyone! My name is Josh and I'm brand new to this species. I have owned corn snakes, ball pythons, and Russian tortoises but I just got my first BTS a few days ago and I'm extremely excited!

I have one small issue with my enclosure that I would love to hear any recommendations on how to correct! I am currently using an 80w combo Heat/UVB/light bulb for the warm/basking side of the tank. And a small 40w ceramic heating element for the cool side. Both heat sources are on a 12 hour timer cycle.

My problem originally was the basking area. I used my laser temp gun to check the substrate directly under the light and it was weak, only about 83-84 degrees on the surface substrate. To try and increase the warmth on that side I added a small 8"x6" undertank heating pad to try and create a "heating sandwich" and offer both overhead and belly heat for better overall thermo-regulation. However, I'm afraid my light itself is just too far away now. I have been able to increase that surface substrate to about 87-88 degrees with the heating pad added, and the top of her hide log on that side gets to ALMOST 90 degrees (being closer to the light, makes sense). But I'm seeing numbers online for BTS basking areas needing to be in the high 90s or even up to 105...soooo I'm concerned she won't be getting enough direct heat at only about 88 degrees at the hottest spot. Should I just cut my losses and buy a 100w bulb instead of the 80w I'm currently using? Is there a safe way for me to get my light closer? Maybe a type of rock that holds heat much better than others, that I'm unaware of, that I can place under the lamp? Any suggestions would be super appreciated! Thank you!

I did have a similar issue to you when I got a larger glass/mesh top tank. What I've ended up doing for now is mounting the basking lamp inside the tank with a guitar string lol. The tank is pretty tall so there's still plenty of room from the ground to the lamp so my baby doesn't get burned.

You could also try some cheap foam panel insulation on the sides (on the OUTSIDE) that might help hold in the existing heat a bit better.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby Y33T » Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:10 am

4th update?

Here are all my bluey enclosures currently. The stack are both 120x50x40cm housing my smaller easterns Bajo and Hestu and the other is a 4x2x2ft which Kirra inhabits bc he’s the biggest. I’m so happy with these setups and definitely a huge improvement compared to my first post on this thread.

Other details:

Stack has 50w Exo Terra intense basking bulbs, top enclosure has a reptile one 10.0 UVB, bottom has an Exo Terra 5.0 UVB.
The 4x2 has a 100w Exo Terra intense basking bulb and an Arcadia proT5 shadedweller 7% UVB.
Substrates I use are pine gro Euci mulch and garden essentials sugar cane mulch.

I have them in different themes, Hestu: fantasy theme, Bajo: desert theme and Kirra: forest theme.
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1.0.2 Tiliqua scincoides scincoides, Kirra, Bajo and Hestu <3
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby vana » Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:36 am

Did someone say blue tongue skinks and plants? Here is what mine looks like currently (lousy picture).

The couple of plants on the far left are fake (cause they are near the heat light). All the rest are live. Some are in pots. The huge thing up front is a squash. I planted some squash seeds in the substrate and they went gangbusters... the skink hasn't killed them yet! (though he was spotted eating a flower).

The potted plants are: ponytail palm, birds nest fern, blue star fern, and ruffle fern. Live plants look so good in here, the next one I am going I am planning to skip the fake plants altogether.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby Mr. White » Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:14 pm

My Northern's bioactive enclosure.
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby SkinkerDrogon » Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:41 pm

I am a new proud owner of a 10 yr old IJ Blue Tongue Skink. He came in a 48x20x13 Pillow PVC enclosure with plexiglass front opening doors. I wanted to spoil him and upgrade to a 46x20x18 enclosure with glass sliding doors, side vents and a screen top. The previous owner said that's bad and not to do it. He also got mad at me for cleaning the enclosure he was in because it had little black and white bugs inside it. I let the little guy Soake in the tub while I cleaned and disinfected the enclosure and put new cypress mulch in it. He said that was bad as well as the original cypress he had in there was 11 yrs old and was a "bio" environment so the bugs were supposed to be there?

Did i do wrong and is it ok to upgrade his environment. I will try and upload pictures of his current set soon
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby SkinkerDrogon » Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:45 pm

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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby SkinkerDrogon » Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:47 pm

this is the enclosure I want to go to
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Re: Enclosure Pictures

Postby SkinkerDrogon » Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:21 am

Here is my updated enclosure. I added an extra log tunnel to increase his hide area and added more moss and a fogger to the top. He still has his basking stone in the right corner and his swimming pool or hot tub in the left corner. He loves soaking in the water or burrowing under the bedding. I have never seen him get on top of the logs. I will eventually get a much longer enclosure. This is only 46" x 18" x 18". he likes it though so far.
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