But before you post, we would like to point out and make you aware of a few things.
1. Forum rules
Please make sure you've read through the forum rules before posting comments or threads of your own.
2. Caresheet
Even though it doesn't encompass all ways of caring for blue tongue skinks, our Caresheet is still a pretty comprehensive collaboration of some of the greatest BTS-keeping minds out there --many of whom are still going strong in the business today. It contains an impressive wealth of knowledge, and is THE BEST place to start your own BTS keeping habits and practices, and it is also a good source to re-read from time to time.
So before you start posting questions, make sure you've taken the time to read through it; you'll often find that the answers are in there.
When you have read through the Caresheet we suggest you read through the threads in our General Discussion forum Frequently Asked Questions.
4. Search
If after reading the Caresheet and FAQ threads you feel you still need or want more info, it can be extremely beneficial if you use the search function at the top of each forum. It is found right next to the "New Topic" button. Try putting in different word combinations and you'll find that you have at your fingertips years and years of peoples' opinions and advice on a never ending list of topics.
***A word of caution: when reading through old threads, please keep an eye on the date of the last comment made; it is our forum rules that if it has been 3 months or more since activity on a thread you not post comments to it. If you have questions regarding something talked about in the thread that you aren't finding answers to, please start a new thread of your own. Do not revive old threads.
5. Forum FAQ
If you are having trouble with posting or understanding any part of how these forums work, there is a general FAQ section that can be very helpful.
6. Food chart
Our food chart is found in several places, but because it is such an invaluable tool to have, I will link it in here as well.
7. Emergencies/Medical advice
We all have emergencies come up from time to time, and we of course understand being too stressed out to be looking through vast amounts of text for what might be going on before posting for help. But an often overlooked source with advice for medical emergencies is a sticky post in both the Advanced DiscussIon forum and the Frequently Asked Questions forum.
It was written before we did a major systems update on the forums and some of the pictures have unfortunately not made it, but it still is worth reading through any time you may have minor medical questions, or at those times or circumstances when a veterinarian is not accessible.
HERE is a link to the post.
Please keep in mind however that we will most often advice you to see an expert, as diagnosing through descriptions or photographs is never as good as someone who knows what they're looking at, and looking at the animal in person.
(Most of us are also of the opinion that an excuse of not having the means to get to a vet or pay for a vet is not part of responsible reptile ownership. We have all been young and/or fallen on hard times, but if your animal needs help, you either find a way to get it or you surrender your animal to someone who can.)
After all that is said and done, please enjoy your time here! We happen to have the best people in the reptile community as members here and we welcome everyone's participation whether they are new or old, newbie or advanced.