Got a new fire skink as first pet lizard and worried about feeding. Any tips?

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Got a new fire skink as first pet lizard and worried about feeding. Any tips?

Postby Xanex18 » Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:43 pm

As the title said, I got a pet skink for first time last weekend and it's a fire skink. Waited 3-4 days for him to settle in the tank before trying to feed him. Started with just a small bowl of meal worms to see if he'd eat on those and he didn't touch em overnight or throughout the day. Tried putting 4/5 crickets in and didn't touch em after several hours. Temps seem to be fine in the mid 80s on the cool side and upper 90s on basking point and about 87-95 in the middle area. He's In a 45 gallon with plenty of substrate. I know they are shy species and burrowers but I'm worried about him not eating for over a week. I don't wanna leave crickets in his tank as everything I've read says they will start to bite the skink. Is there any trick to getting these guys to eat? I tried hand feeding but he just ignored me or ran and hid from the cricket instead. this is his current setup and a picture of the handsome bugger
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Re: Got a new fire skink as first pet lizard and worried about feeding. Any tips?

Postby splashy07 » Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:08 am

Fire skinks are beautiful lizards and it's really a shame no one is breeding them...they are 99.9 percent imported and often come in full or parasites. I'd advise a vet check with any newly acquired imported animal.
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Re: Got a new fire skink as first pet lizard and worried about feeding. Any tips?

Postby Herpin Man » Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:16 am

I haven’t kept fire skinks myself, but I’ve fed off many thousands of crickets over the years. I’ve never had a cricket actually injure a reptile or amphibian. So while it’s certainly possible, I’d consider it unlikely.
Wild lizards aren’t going to eat from your hands or tongs. They’re more likely to eat when you aren’t there watching them. I would suggest leaving crickets and Dubai loose in the enclosure, and let them hunt when they feel secure in doing so.
Speaking of security, make sure that the lizard has plenty of tight hiding places. Lack of hiding spots can inhibit feeding as well.

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