Meet Mr. Squiggles

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Meet Mr. Squiggles

Postby splashy07 » Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:22 pm

This adorable Schneider's skink was given to me by a friend who owns a reptile specialty store. He was a bit emaciated but still active, smaller than his cage mates and more than likely not getting enough food. Well he hit the lottery now and is doing fine. An unlimited supply of insects of many types and a daily ration of whatever my BTs are getting. What a personable little one, every time I open the cage door he runs right over and wants to hang out. Sometimes he runs right up my arm and it's hard to get him back in! He has some unlikely roommates and gets along fine with everyone in my cage I affectionately call 'the projects'. These little guys make great pets! His back leg was very swollen but is getting better by the day and he is starting to use it again. If I can figure out how to determine gender I'd love to work with these guys. There's a cage full of them at my friends shop and they all look the same. They do not fight or disagree with each other at all. Can you guess how he got his name?
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Re: Meet Mr. Squiggles

Postby Yeshika » Tue Jan 01, 2019 4:00 pm

WOW! He's gorgeous :D
Do you think his tail will straighten up over time? I guess that depends on how much growth he has left.
What I wouldn't give to have more skink species available here!
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Re: Meet Mr. Squiggles

Postby kingofnobbys » Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:23 pm

He's a nice little skink.

Novoeumeces schneideri algeriensis grow to about 16" TTS length full grown ,so he's a juvenile and has a bit of growth in him.

No his tail wont straighten up of it's own accord, the bends are the result of either MBD or an injury (from another sibling ?) when younger , he may have even been born with a bent tail (it happens sometimes). If there is no other evidence of MBD , and he's healthy , enjoy him as is. His bendy tail only adds to his "character".

If he ever drops his tail …. he will regenerate a more normal tail but I wouldn't do that a skink on purpose as it's very hard on them and takes a long time for the tail to regenerate.
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Re: Meet Mr. Squiggles

Postby mb606587 » Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:28 pm

Haha love the name. I agree with king that the tail won't straighten out so the name sticks. We've got one of these guys at my local shop. I'm always tempted every time I stop in. Similar looking to the Algerian Giant Berber Skink which is what kingofnobbys is describing. People confuse the two because they are both referred to as Berbers skinks but this guy probably tops out at 8 inches.
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Re: Meet Mr. Squiggles

Postby splashy07 » Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:43 am

Yes, he is an adult. Berber skinks are larger and related, but they do not have the personalities these guys have. Some are pretty nasty! I love his tail. I love everything about him!
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Re: Meet Mr. Squiggles

Postby Coleyfgreene » Tue May 14, 2019 11:50 pm

He is TOO CUTE! <3

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