Handling new to (me)

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Handling new to (me)

Postby XSVdave » Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:41 am

I wasn't able to find any forums specific to red eyes and I looked through the species specific and didn't see anything but delete of this post is not allowed, thank you.

My names dave I'm from northern nj just registered here a few minutes ago to chat with people with similar interests and obtain some info that fact sheets don't have. I've had my croc skink for a little over a week now(his name is Boris the Blade) and I went to take him out this morning for the first time 1020am local time and he was not happy. Is this something any of you may have experienced with your blue tongues or perhaps a croc of your own? Any tips to getting him used to handling?
I had boas in the past but in my area of nj it's difficult to obtain decent feeders within a reasonable distance and I picked up Boris on account his care is similar- but any hands on info is greatly appreciated thank you!
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Re: Handling new to (me)

Postby Crazyanimallady » Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:00 pm

I'm not entirely sure, but I've heard crocodile skinks are more observation pets than hands on pets.
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Re: Handling new to (me)

Postby kingofnobbys » Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:17 am

I think you'll be much more successful in taming him if you spend a lot of time hanging out near his tank and let him see and hear you, and take things in small steps, ie put your hand in his tank only to clean up and replace food and water.
The start leaving your hand in the tank for a while and let he see it is not a scary five headed monster and you are not going to harm him.

Eventually he'll likely get more inquisitive and might come over and check out your hand , you might encourage this by having a nice wriggly worm in the hand for him as a tempting bribe. If he associates a pleasant experience everytime with being handled he'll be more readily tamed.

Keep doing this for a while (a few weeks) and he'll probably learn to trust you enough to crawl right into your hand and maybe up your arm, LET HIM TAKE IT AT HIS OWN PACE....it's all about building trust. If he becomes accustomed to being given a yummy treat when ever you approach him and pick him , that's a pleasant none threatening experience and he'll soon learn you are trustworth and the source of good things and most your battle is won.

if these skinks are anything like the water skinks here, he'll soon become tame enough to hand feed and pet , and maybe even tame enough to have play time on you and snuggles.
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Re: Handling new to (me)

Postby potey13 » Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:00 pm

croc skinks aren't meant for constant handling they're very shy and timid
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Re: Handling new to (me)

Postby kingofnobbys » Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:09 pm

well .... the same is said of eastern water skinks too .... but my two both loved to interact and became mega-tame and very interactive and great pets .
see viewtopic.php?f=26&t=30016
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Re: Handling new to (me)

Postby slinky the skink » Sun May 26, 2019 3:12 pm

though croc skinks are awsome to look at there are mostly obsevatioin pets. though they most likley wont be aggressive they will get stressed with daily handling and may even stop eating
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Re: Handling new to (me)

Postby splashy07 » Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:06 am

I am a firm believer that just about any animal can be tamed (to a certain extent in some cases) as I have tamed quite nasty iguanas, Macaws, and many other reptiles coming from neglected or abusive homes. I have a dog tame Cuban anole that no one can believe, and once had a day gecko that would hang with me.
I also have tamed tokay geckos. They are my absolute favorite gecko species, I did have one that was impossible though.
Animals are capable of giving what they get, but there are some that lead very secretive lives and would prefer to stay that way. I'd say give it a shot, and if it doesn't work out just let him be. Some nocturnal species are very sensitive to daylight, and it could be more stressful for him than it's worth. I have yet to hear of anyone handling theirs like we do our BTs.

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