Multiple weird Orange Sacks found in Enclosure.

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Multiple weird Orange Sacks found in Enclosure.

Postby AussieBlueTongue » Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:48 am

I recently found these weird orange sacks in with my two blue tongue lizards. I have no idea what they are?? Roughly the size of a coin. 3 of these sacks.
My blue tongues are roughly 2 years old, and i am unsure of their genders.
I have not altered their temperatures to replicate the seasons as of yet either.
Any ideas??
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Re: Multiple weird Orange Sacks found in Enclosure.

Postby mb606587 » Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:31 pm

Well it's safe to say you have both a male and a female. Those are what are referred to as slugs or unfertilized ovums. Your skinks mated at some point in time but it did not produce. It is usually rare that a female skink will drop slugs and then produce babies at a later date but this may be something to monitor. If you've noticed one becoming increasingly larger the past few weeks, that one is obviously likely the female.

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