Covid-19 - The proper way to make handsanitizer

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Bluey Devotee
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Covid-19 - The proper way to make handsanitizer

Postby kingofnobbys » Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:25 pm

WHO formulae for hand sanitizer : for how to make handsanitizer that WILL ACTUALLY kill the virus & break up the virus so it's no longer active.

Formulation I

To produce final concentrations of ethanol 80% v/v, glycerol 1.45% v/v, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 0.125% v/v.

v/v is volume on volume basis in concentration.

Pour into a 1000 ml graduated flask:

ethanol 96% v/v, 833.3 ml
H2O2 3%, 41.7 ml
glycerol 98%,14.5 ml

Top up the flask to 1000 ml with distilled water or water that has been boiled and cooled; shake the flask gently to mix the content.

Formulation II

To produce final concentrations of isopropyl alcohol 75% v/v, glycerol 1.45% v/v, hydrogen peroxide 0.125% v/v:

Pour into a 1000 ml graduated flask:

isopropyl alcohol (with a purity of 99.8%), 751.5 ml
H2O2 3%, 41.7 ml
glycerol 98%, 14.5 ml

Top up the flask to 1000 ml with distilled water or water that has been boiled and cooled; shake the flask gently to mix the content.

Only pharmacopoeial quality reagents should be used (e.g. The International Pharmacopoeia) and not technical grade products.( and not off the shelf at the hardware shop or chemist products at all)


1.The alcohol for the chosen formulation is poured into the large bottle or tank up to the graduated mark.

2.H2O2 is added using the measuring cylinder.

3.Glycerol is added using a measuring cylinder. As the glycerol is very viscous and sticks to the walls of the measuring cylinder, it can be rinsed with some sterile distilled or cold boiled water to be added and then emptied into the bottle/tank.

4.The bottle/tank is then topped up to the corresponding mark of the volume (10-litre or 50-litre) to be prepared with the remainder of the distilled or cold, boiled water.

5.The lid or the screw cap is placed on the bottle/tank immediately after mixing to prevent evaporation.

6.The solution is mixed by gently shaking the recipient where appropriate (small quantities),or by using a wooden, plastic or metallic paddle. Electric mixers should not be used unless “EX” protected because of the danger of explosion.

7.After mixing, the solution is immediately divided into smaller containers (e.g. 1000, 500 or 100 ml plastic bottles).

8.The bottles should be kept in quarantine for 72 hours. This allows time for any spores present in the alcohol or the new or re-used bottles to be eliminated by H2O2.

MINIMUM KIT I'd use if I wanted to make handsanitiser at home
( I actually have all this stuff stashed in a filing cabinet in my study from my researcher days).

laboratory grade borosilicate measuring cylinder 500 cc is a useful size, more times you divide the volume the more times you increase the chance of making a mistake and getting cumulative volume wrong.

laboratory grade borosilicate volumetric flask 1000cc +/- 0.001cc for mixing.

100ml analytical borosilicate burrette for smaller volumes
retort stand with burrette clamp
borosilicate laboratory filter funnel to prevent spills when decanting

+ safety glasses (of cause) don't want these liquids getting splashed in eyes.
+ disposable gloves

I don't use Facebook except rarely , but I think this is important information that needs as many people as possible to see it and act on it so I have posted the above on my page and made the post available globally.
I suggest everyone here do the same. This information has the potential to save millions of lives in this covid-19 pandemic and needs to be known in order get rid of the online home remedies and dodgey online hand sanitizer recipes that are everywhere and WHICH WILL NOT WORK (hence are dangerous).
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Re: Covid-19 - The proper way to make handsanitizer

Postby kingofnobbys » Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:31 pm

BTW : another urban myth that's popular now with covid19 about is Listerine Mouth Wash is situable as an alternative hand sanitizer. Even pharmacists are pushing this BS.

Facts about Listerine : Listerine is about 54 proof with 26.9% alcohol, and the flavored versions are almost 22% alcohol.
ie worthless in killing covid-19 as alcohol content in it is way too low. The other ingredients (essential oils) will have no effect on the virus.
Bluey Devotee
Bluey Devotee
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Re: Covid-19 - The proper way to make handsanitizer

Postby kingofnobbys » Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:32 am

Purifying ethanol to create 95% v/v or better alcohol .

Purifying ethanol to create 95% v/v or better alcohol .Here is the method and equipment needed . ... ion-608263

Kit to purify (isopropyl alcohol or) ethanol ( as found in any year 11 or year 12 chemistry laboratory kit or any university / college chemistry laboratory ( standard kit ).
laboratory borosilicate reflux - distillation condenser

3 way distillation adapter connects flask + thermometer + condenser

thermometer adapter ( goes in top opening of boiling flask )

2 neck round bottom distillation flask

universial clamp , one for holding securing round bottomed distillation flask , other for holding condenser

mini electric hot plate

some boiling chips , broken ceramic tile chips and borosilicate glass beads work too, these prevent superheating of the liquid that can result in explosive flash boiling ( very bad if you are nearby )

a thermeter , fits in top of round btm flask

conical flask to collect distillate

Words of warning , use a fume cupboard or a very well ventilated bench space to do this , use safety glasses at all times while liquid is boiling.

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