My New Skink bit me

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My New Skink bit me

Postby FranktheSkink » Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:39 pm

Hi, I’m new to the site. I recently got a blue tongue skink (Frank). And, he’s really been warming up to me. He’s been sleeping outside, so I think he trusts me. And I started to feed him with chopsticks a few days ago. He seemed comfortable with everything. So, I eventually started to just put my hand in the cage, not doing anything. He came close and licked my hand. Then all the sudden bit me. I’m pretty sure he’s not close to shedding, but I’m not sure exactly. Can anybody help with why this might have happened?
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Re: My New Skink bit me

Postby kingofnobbys » Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:14 am

FranktheSkink wrote:Hi, I’m new to the site. I recently got a blue tongue skink (Frank). And, he’s really been warming up to me. He’s been sleeping outside, so I think he trusts me. And I started to feed him with chopsticks a few days ago. He seemed comfortable with everything. So, I eventually started to just put my hand in the cage, not doing anything. He came close and licked my hand. Then all the sudden bit me. I’m pretty sure he’s not close to shedding, but I’m not sure exactly. Can anybody help with why this might have happened?

He likely smelt or tasted food on your hand …. my experience with (wild and captive bred / tame) skinks (of several species over my life) is they don't bite people who they know unless by accident.

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