Hey! I remembered my password!

Anything and everything not pertaining to blue-tongued skinks.
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Bluey Addict
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Hey! I remembered my password!

Postby Lucifer_Spades » Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:56 am

The original Ginger-Ninja! Ka-pow!
0.0.3 Irian Jaya
Mizu, Izuru, and Battosai (On a Canadian Cruise)

0.0.1 Tanimbar Island
Toulouse (On a Canadian Cruise)

1.1.0 Cats-Simon, Lexi
1.0.0 Husband-Ricky
2.2.0 Kids-Kira, Tiernan, Chayton, and Esmé(aka "The Heathen Hoard" or " The HHH Club")

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