PLEASE HELP!! RI during brumation!

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PLEASE HELP!! RI during brumation!

Postby mulberryni » Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:30 am

Hello guys, I got a pair of 3-year-old hyper melanistic blue tongue skinks currently under brumation.

Yesterday I noticed there were some discharges around their mouth. Today I found the male was breathing heavily, with saliva bubbles coming from his mouth. His eyes were clear, and tried to terrify me while I took him out. I'm thinking he might be dealing with a respiratory infection, but the female seems okay.

This is my first time encountering this situation during brumation. I'm raising the temperature to 16 degrees Celsius now as their brumation temperature was around 11-14 degrees Celsius. but I'm a bit unsure about the next steps.

Should I gradually increase the room temperature, like 1-2 degrees per day, and then consider introducing basking lights after a few days? Or should I jump straight to a heat mat for him? I know he needs warmth to recover from this respiratory infection, but I'm not sure what the best approach is.

I'm worried if I directly take him to the vet/immediately wake him up to the normal temperature --- he may not be able to deal with the heat/temperature.

Just attached several pics of the male skink. I really appreciate your help! :(

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